January 19, 2012

The New Way of Marketing

Posted in Articles tagged , , , at 6:52 pm by georgeelow


The days of being able to “push” your message on people are long gone.  Today’s world is different.  Now it is about building relationships with our potoential clients and customers.  It’s more true now that ever before that “people do business with people they know , like and trust”  Fortunately, with Social Media, we are exposed to more people online everyday that we can begin to build relationships with….if you do it right.

Below are 5 tips for building strong relationships through Social Media, to help you gain more credibility and trust.  The result….new clients.

1.        Be interested in other people.  You must have an interest in all people, not just people you are hoping to prospect or sell too.  Find a common interest or something you are curious about on their profile and ask them about it.  Begin a conversation that has absolutely nothing to do with yourself. 

 2.       Be nice.  Make sure that all of your posts, comments, likes and shares on Social Networks reflect who you are and who you want the world to see.  If you are using Social Media to help grow your customer base it is best not to type when angry or have arguments online.  Remember, don’t put anything on the internet you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see.

 3.       Be of Value.  Share or write content that will be of interest to your target market.  By providing good, quality information, tips and recommendations that will benefit your ideal customer you will position yourself to be the “go to” person in your field.

  4.       Make yourself Accessible.   Make it easy for people to connect with you.  Have an email address and phone number on your profile.   Set up a fan page with an opt -in box to allow people to sign up for your newsletter or other information you can send via email.  This allows you to stay in touch.

  5.       Be personal.  When you are sending a friend request or you receive one always include a personal message.  Start the relationship off right.  Say hello.


If you follow the 5 tips above you will be starting a “pull” campaign for your message.  This means that potential clients will start to come to you instead of you having to go and look for them.  It is a lot easier to build a business and make money quickly when people are looking for you!